If you want to grow taller, there are actually countless exercises. Here are some of them:
1) Stretching. Stretching exercises are a must if you want to grow some inches - even as an adult. Most people believe that you can't grow after a certain age. That's wrong! You can because you spine has 24 vertebrae that aren't fused. That means you can strengthen your spine permanently: the spinal discs and the cartilage in your spine thickens and you get taller. Scientific studies have shown that special stretching exercises can allow you to grow 2-3 inches permanently. But you have to do these exercises every day for several months to see an effect. Here is an example: This simple exercise is called The Skier. Stand with your legs 3 feet apart. Raise your arms over your head as high as you can. Now bend forward pushing your arms through your legs. Rest for 5 seconds, then straighten up. Do 6 repetitions every day before you do to bed.
2) Wind Sprints. Sprint for 50 meters, rest for 20-30 seconds and run again. Repeat this exercise 3 times and do it regularly. The idea behind it is that at high speed (your heart rate should be above 150-160) your body produces a lot of human growth hormone. <!--
3) Swimming. Swimming may be the healthiest sport you can do. It stretches your entire body and trains your back muscles that are important for a good posture.
4) Hanging. Hang on a pull-up bar for at least 15 seconds releasing all the tension in your muscles (5 min a day). The idea here is to stretch your spine. Shake yourself a bit, so more spinal fluid can get between the vertebrae in your spine. Your spine won't lengthen your spine that much, but this exercise actually prevents you from getting smaller.
For more tips on how to grow taller, take a look at this article: How Can I Grow Taller
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